Can I wear makeup?

Ideally to get the best view of your skin, no makeup is best!

However we do have makeup removal pads in the clinic.

Is moisturiser ok?

Ideally no moisturiser is best because the natural skin can give us clues to lesions.

Can I leave my underwear on?

You definitely can, we can work around it. A privacy blanket is offered as well. It is very important to us that you feel comfortable and supported.

What happens if you find a suspicious leasion?

We write a recommendation letter that you then take to either your GP or one of our recommended professional skin cancer experts. (We chat about this as part of your consultation).

What is a good sunscreen?

This is a big topic! But basically we say a good sunscreen is one you like to wear! We have an amazing brand in the clinic called WeFeelGoodInc which feels like moisturiser. We can chat about this more at the time of your check.

How often do I need to be checked?

We make this decision at the end of your skin assessment. it’s recommended that everyone has a check every 12 months but this varies from patient to patient depending on a lot of factors. We chat about this also at the end of your appointment.

We hope this helps, we are always willing to answer all your questions at any time.